منزل افشاریان در زمینی به مساحت ۳۱۲ متر مربع در سه طبقه بنا شده است.این منزل زیبا برای یک زوج کرمانشاهی و دختر و پسر کوچکشان طراحی شده است.
منازل مسکونی طراحی شده توسط معماران ، با یک دید خاص ، در تولیدات هنری و فرهنگی دسته بندی شده است. بنابراین ، از لحاظ مورفولوژی ممکن است با نقاشی واقعی، انتزاعی و مفهومی و یا حتی داستانی عاشقانه مقایسه شود.منزل افشاریان در زمینی به مساحت ۳۱۲ متر مربع در سه طبقه بنا شده است.این منزل زیبا برای یک زوج کرمانشاهی و دختر و پسر کوچکشان طراحی شده است.

در نمای این ساختمان از چوب و آجر استفاد شده تا با محیط زیست محل احداث خود هماهنگ باشد.
مشخصات پروژه :
نام پروژه : خانه افشاریان
مکان : ایران-کرمانشاه
معمار : Rena Design (رضا نجفیان)
تیم طراحی : مریم نجفیان, مریم غلامی, محمدحسین حمزه لویی, صدف دیلمی, مینا نظم جو
فاز ۲ : مریم غلامی
ساخت : افشاریان
سازه : علی نقوی
تاسیسات الیکتریکی: بهروز فقیه فرد
تاسیسات مکانیکی : امیرعلی اکبرنژاد
مساحت : ۶۰۰ متر مربع
پایان کار : February 2013
مدت زمان اجرا : ۱۷ ماه
نوع ساختمان : مسکونی
کار فرما : دکتر ماندانا افشاریان
جوایز : لوح تقدیر جشنواره ، در جایزه بزرگ معمار سال در رده مسکونی – ۲۰۱۴
گالری تصاویر :
English version :
Name: Afsharian House
Location: Kermanshah, Iran
Architect: .ReNa. Design ( Reza Najafian )
Design Team: Maryam Najafian, Maryam Gholami, Mohamad Hosein Hamzehlouei, Sadaf Deylami, Mina Nazmjou
Phase 2: Maryam Gholami
Construction: Afsharian
Structure : Ali Naghavi
Electrical : Behrouz Faghihifard
Mechanical : Amir Ali Akbarnejad
Area: ۶۰۰ sqm
Date: Compeleted in February 2013 – Period Time (۱۷ Month)
Building Type: Residential
Photographers: Reza Najafian, Mohamad Hosein Hamzehlouei
Client : Dr. Mandana Afsharian
Awards: Honorable Mention in Memar Grand Award in the Residential category – 2014
Afsharian’s Home…
Current home, a few years later apartment…
Individual habitats designed by architects, are listed in a particular category in artistic and cultural productions. Therefore, they may morphologically be compared with real, abstract and conceptual paintings or even love stories.Afsharian’s home based in Kermanshah with a 312sqm land contains a three-storied welling for a couple and their toddler son and daughter.
Since the client quested prospective additional stories for the children to be added to the building in a few years after utilization, the building should had been designed in a way that it could develop from home to apartment. This demand would require a flexibility in plan and façade diversion; this brought up a challenge to engineer a developable design in a way that it finalizes by adding two extra stories while it should look absolutely adequate and individually identified for the time.
A sincere and simple project with a unique exterior design, was another criterion for the client. Accordingly, taking building height and width proportions into account, designing a square with a crack on it, which converts the building into a sculpture emerging from the street sidewall not only exposes the entrance very well but also responds to upper levels space divisions in a convenient way.
Building courtesy for the passenger, what is aprecious content in Iranian noble culture has emerged in this project as it has leaned backward in the ground floor level to devote a part of private land to public green zone. Therefore, the building has stepped further than a normal residential and had become a city landmark with an elegant and eye-catching visual quality. This has gone as far as transferring the subtle meaning of the project to the observer as well as the user and presenting them with freshness and respect.
Interior design and space organization has created an adorable, friendly, pleasant, spacious andamazinglybright environment with the assistance of timber and brick, concerning the client’s will. Experiencing a different environment in the project from the entrance to the private rooms’ access isproposed by passing on a suspended bridge over the void that would infuse a feeling of thrill associated with safety.

لطفا با استفاده از نوار زيرين به اين مطلب امتياز دهيد و مارا در بالا بردن کيفيت مطالب ياري کنيد